Special Projects
Special Projects are customized workshops and training programs aimed at enhancing leadership and educational skills for a variety of organizations.
Who can attend?
All Ages
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Each organization is asked to identify the Desired Outcomes for the workshop in terms of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes. A draft schedule will be submitted for approval. Components can include: conflict management, project planning, presentation skills, teamwork, meeting skills and cultural competence.
High School
One type of Special Project is a Student Council (ASB) Retreat, which entails CASC coming for one or two days, usually during the summer or on a weekend, to teach a high school’s student council members leadership skills, such as the students at Harkahm GAON Yeshiva School in the summer of 2015.
Middle School
Special Projects can also be carried out on a school-wide basis. CASC will come and teach an entire school or grade leadership skills that the principal or the advisor requests, such as the 8th grade students at Hillview Middle School.
Other Organizations
Special Projects occur not only with schools, but with youth organizations, such as the National Jefferson Awards Program, and adult organizations, such as the American Society for Plastic Surgeons. Special Projects have even gone national and worked with the National Leadership Institute with Lake County students near Chicago, Illinois.
Special Projects offer a wide variety of curriculum that is specially designed for each Special Project in order to ensure that all desired outcomes are met. CASC Special Projects give students and adults alike the opportunity to grow into stronger and more effective leaders.
In July, CASC staff traveled to Yerevan, Armenia, to lead a training for 18 educators on empowering student councils in Armenia. The program was developed in partnership with the Jinishian Memorial Foundation, an NGO that identified developing strong and effective student councils as a top priority in the education system.
Trainers from CASC and our Russia-based sister organization AYL equipped the participants with skills that they will use to effect rippling change across the country's education system. Participants reported that the program improved their leadership skills and motivated them to work with student councils. CASC is proud to continue our legacy of developing transnational bonds of friendship to empower youth around the world!
Custom Programs or “Special Projects” are workshops and trainings designed by CASC for one specific organization or school. When a group comes to CASC with ideas for trainings they need or simply a description of their situation, CASC will custom design a program for them. We do not work solely with students and schools; we’ve designed leadership programs for professional organizations such as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
"The CASC leadership training has been so inspirational and instrumental in my classroom and school! I created a 9th grade Leadership class and it has really been valuable for our freshmen in so many ways. In addition, I have used it in my student government/ASB classes which have really given it more depth and overall cohesiveness! I LOVE JUNE."

Martine Kelsch
Jefferson High School Advisor

“I’m training a team of 13 to take over a crucial role in the company as we transition 20% of our employees in Sunnyvale over to Manila Philippines. Had a great first day and broke through a ton of boundaries with CASC activities. Personal shield was really remarkable and allowed us an opportunity to assess their speaking skills since they are going to be a partial call center. I’ll be teaching their management staff on coaching and feedback so I implemented feedback cards as well. Super amazing experience so far and it’s only Day 1!”

Jennifer A. Phan
CASC Alumni
All students should be able to participate, regardless of their financial situations. Schools are responsible for the registration costs, although some students do cover their own fees. We understand that time is limited, and we will work with you to ensure proper processing of payments.
Many community groups will also be interested in sponsoring your work at the state level. Please refer to this fundraising guide used by delegates to obtain funding or check out a draft sponsorship letter. Feel free to get in touch with kelly.wachowicz@casc.net if you would like help or guidance.
Funding and Sponsorships
For questions or more information, please contact the Special Projects Director, Sarah Joo, at sarah.joo@casc.net or our Executive Director Kelly Wachowicz at kelly.wachowicz@casc.net.
CASC Contact Information
CASC has scholarships for students. There are a limited number of scholarships available. Click here to access the Scholarship Application.
CASC Scholarship
Have Questions?
For over 70 years, the California Association of Student Councils has been the state’s student-run organization focusing on youth leadership. CASC serves student councils and their advisors, as well as all other young leaders and students who want to make a difference in their community. Through peer-to-peer leadership training and conferences, CASC provides students and advisors the opportunity to develop leadership skills, network with other students and advisors, and become empowered. CASC also lobbies for students and better schools at the state and local levels.
There are none! We are proud to have an extremely diverse group of students and advisors participate in our programs. Some come to our programs with years of leadership experience and extracurricular activities while others come to our programs with none. Everyone learns and grows from our programs in different ways. Anybody who wishes to develop their leadership skills is welcome to join our program.
You can get involved in a number of ways:
Attend a statewide CASC program – summer camp, SABE, SABLE, or YASC
Attend a region conference with your ASB or other student leaders
Contact your local region president and get involved with your region
Become a part of the governing body of CASC by applying for state council
You can check out our programs directory by clicking on the "PROGRAMS" tab!
CASC is unique from other organizations in a variety of ways:
Peer-to-Peer Training: Rather than adults teaching curriculum and teambuilding to students, at CASC events highly-trained students lead most of the activities.
CASC conferences focus on teaching students HOW to do things rather than WHAT to do. We provide skills and knowledge that will go farther than a dance theme or fundraising idea. The skills and curriculum CASC encourages students to think critically and teaches students how to apply curriculum to any and every part of their lives.
CASC recognizes and supports the power of youth: This is an organization run FOR students BY students to ensure that all the needs of students are heard and met. We have high school and college students voting and making decisions alongside adults on the Board of Directors.
Check out our guide to attend a program for free! It should answer all of your questions as well as provide instructions on how to acquire scholarships from either CASC or local organizations! If you have further questions, contact the CASC Office or the State Development Director.
Whether you are a current student, alumni, parent, or any other stakeholder of the organization, you can help send students to CASC conferences to gain a life-changing experience. Any amount, small or big, will help students obtain a scholarship to attend programs. Donate today!
Regions are divided into twelve different areas of California, covering all 58 counties. It is based on your school location and you can find out your region by clicking on the 'Regions' tab.